Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Favorite Book

My favorite book I read last trimester was Matched. I liked it because you weren't able to expect what was going to happen next. Also since everything takes place in the future technology would always altar the direction the story was going which made it a very interesting read. All in all this was a very hard book for me to put down. However I was a little disappointed on Cassia's character development. She started out as a complex character but then turned in to the stereotypical rebellious character that only wants to overthrow the source of power. When it came to the relationship of Cassia and Xander after she met Ky I was very confused. I couldn't tell if Cassia didn't want to talk to Xander anymore or if she just didn't have time for him. Despite Cassia's character I loved how the author introduced Ky. He was this mysterious boy that the reader didn't know much about until further into the book. This was another factor that made it hard for me to put down.

To be honest I really liked the setting. In the book it was referred to as the "society" so it didn't really have a name but it was so descriptive. The author did a good job of telling you all the rules or laws and that made a big difference in my comprehension. The rules also shaped the characters personalities which I thought was interesting. I also really liked how the author took the time to explain all the jobs and go into depth about them. I felt like this also gave a more realistic feature to the characters. Even though this book didn't directly relate to my life I felt like I could connect with the main character. Also this is another reason I liked this book. So if you are looking for a really good book I suggest reading Matched.

"Catcher Gone Awry." Catcher Gone Awry. N.p., 6 July 2010. Web. 08 Sept. 2013.


  1. Hey Emmaline! I read this book last year and I loved it. I completely agree with you on the character development of Cassia. I think it really effected the book in a negative way. Like you, I really enjoyed the introduction of Ky as well as the setting. I felt like the author was very descriptive and I could picture every scene clearly. Since you liked this book, I recommend reading the series "The Uglies" the over all idea of the stories is the same but there are a few main differences. I really think you would like this series. you should check it out!

  2. I actually love this book too! I was skeptical at first because it was yet another dystopian novel, but I thoroughly enjoyed it. I will say that the second and third books I didn't care for as much. I am reading "The Selection" series right now and it is awesome! Similar to "Matched."

  3. I've been wanting to read this book for a long time! Isnt it becoming a movie? Maybe I should read it soon!

  4. Sounds like a really good book!
