Sunday, December 1, 2013

Setting of a Walk to Remember

Last week I started reading A Walk to Remember. For those of you who haven't read this book, in the beginning it takes place in Beaufort, North Carolina during 1958. This was a small town where the roads were gravel and narrow. All year long it smelled of sea salt and pine, a scent unique to the area. To me the beach setting creates a mood that is chill and relaxing. Churches were on ever corner and that is what their lives were centered around. Landon spent his time making fun of his minister, Hegbert Sullivan. He was old and all he had left was his daughter Jamie. Every year Christmas pageants were thrown and Landon Carter was stuck sitting through every one of them. His father was a congressman for thirty years and was always out of town. In my opinion this makes the town look small and almost insignificant.

Works Cited
Ritika. "360 Degree Thoughts." 360 Degree Thoughts. N.p., 23 July 2010. Web. 1 Dec. 2013.


  1. I loved the movie, is the book just as good?

  2. I loved how you described the mood of the book and how you gave a summary of what the books mainly about. From reading your description i already want to read this book! It looks like such a romantic moving book!

  3. I loved how you created imagery in your post! I have seen the movie of this and it's so good, but I bet the book is better!
