Monday, November 4, 2013

Final Reflection

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My blog about analysis does meet the requirements because the rubric says to cite evidence and support analysis of what the text says. I did this by inserting quotes and analyzing there meanings. I also tried to predict what will happen in the book based upon the quote in my book. Also based on my quote I made inferences about Eugenie and her actions. My quote describes the current conversation and predicament between Armand and Julien. In addition my quote actually shows the situation, which is thorough evidence.

Next trimester a goal I want to achieve is to read four books. A goal for writing I have next trimester is to pay more attention to grammar. Areas i would like to improve on next trimester in my reading is my speed. I read very slowly. I would also like to improve my close and critical reading skills, maybe even try some new methods. Another area i want to improve in is my vocabulary. Expanding your vocabulary comes from reading more so two of my goals go hand and hand. When reading and writing I hope to improve on identifying different plot structures and characterization methods.

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