Monday, September 9, 2013

I finished chapter two in Matched. The chapter begins with the reveal of Cassia's match. He turns out to be Xander which is very fortunate for both families. The rest of the chapter is uneventful and a little boring. As Xander and Cassia ride the air train home Cassia, contemplates how different her relationship. While i am reading her thoughts I notice how intelligent, understanding, and thoughtful she is but is almost lacking a personality beyond that. Her character almost reminds me of a robot, maybe from always strictly abiding by the rules. However Xander is the complete opposite. He has a sarcastic sense of humor and teases his friends a lot. I predict that Cassia wont want to marry her best friend and that will somehow be the root of the conflict. Or the conflict is a couple days after the Match Banquet, the government wont let the two marry because they've known each other all their lives and they cant get married because it goes against the rules? The video I have selected kind of summarizes the first three chapters if you are confused or interested.