Wednesday, September 25, 2013


Cassia never breaks the rules. She is always on time to work, free time, the air train, dinner, and curfew. Cassia is polite, nice, and positive to other characters. Even though she is very shy, she is reasonable and intelligent. The maturity level for Cassia in my opinion is very high for her age however she does not try to act "too cool" for everything. Whenever the reader hears about other characters they all sound the same, intelligent, logical, reasonable, almost lacking a personality, except for one. Ky (which is a character i can't reveal too much) about has a unique way of think and eventually teaches Cassia how to write and other simple skills that are forbidden in the society. Everything is fine and dandy in the "society" until Cassia's Grandfather gives her a poem at the final banquet. The poem Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night by Dylan Thomas in my opinion gives Cassia the rebellious spark. She start questioning everything in her society and wondering if it's right or not. Her new attitude toward everything propels the book in an interesting way creating conflict that didn't use to exist, rebellion.

1 comment:

  1. So why is Ky so different from society? Is it just the way he was raised or is there something special about him?
